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Recent Publications
Halat LS, Bali B, Wasteneys GO (2022). CLASP at the Nexus of Hormone Signalling, Microtubule Organization, and the transition from division to differentiation in primary roots. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:8833634. [read more]
Takashi Hiiragi, Amy S Gladfelter, Irene Miguel-Aliaga, Hilary A Coller, On Sun Lau, Heidi M McBride, Kazuhiro Aoki, Andreas Linkermann, Stefano Santaguida, Geoffrey Wasteneys, Nicolas C Rivron, Marta N Shahbazi, Miki Ebisuya, Madeline A Lancaster (2021) 20 years of Developmental Cell: Looking Forward. Dev Cell. 56(23); 3185-3191 PMID: 34875224 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.11.017 [read more]
Halat L, Gyte K, Wasteneys GO (2020) The Microtubule-Associated Protein CLASP is translationally regulated in light-dependent root apical meristem growth. Plant Physiol. 184, 2154-2167. [read more]
Wasteneys GO (2019) Plant Cell Biology: Shifting CORDs to Fine-Tune Phragmoplast Microtubule Turnover. Current Biology 29, R1224-1251 [read more]
Patrick Martone, Kyra Janot, Miki Fujita, Geoffrey Wasteneys, Katia Ruel, Jean-Paul Joseleau, Jose Estevez (2019) Cellulose-rich secondary walls in wave-swept red macroalgae fortify flexible tissues. Planta 250 (6): 1867-1879. [read more]
Arun Sampathkumar, Alexis Peaucelle, Miki Fujita, Christoph Schuster, Staffan Persson, Geoffrey O. Wasteneys and Elliot M. Meyerowitz (2019). Primary wall cellulose synthase regulates shoot apical meristem mechanics and growth. Development 146 (10) pii: dev179036. [read more]
Zhonshou Wu, Meng Li, Oliver Xiaoou Dong, Shitou Xia, Wanwan Liang, Yongkang Bao, Geoffrey Wasteneys, Xin Li (2018) Differential regulation of TNL-mediated immune signaling by redundant helper CNLs. New Phytologist 222, 938-953. [read more]
Ruan, Y., Halat, L.S., Khan, D., Jancowski, S., Ambrose, C., Belmonte, M., Wasteneys, G.O. 2018. The microtubule-associated protein CLASP sustains cell proliferation through a brassinosteroid signalling negative feedback loop. Current Biology. 28(17): 2718 - 2729. [read more]
Woodley, M., Mulvihill, A., Fujita, M., Wasteneys, G.O. Exploring microtubule-dependent cellulose-synthase complex movement with high precision particle tracking. Plants. 7: E53. [read more]
Andrei Smertenko, Farhah Assaad, František Baluška, Magdalena Bezanilla, Henrik Buschmann, Georgia Drakakaki, Marie-Theres Hauser, Marcel Janson, Yoshinobu Mineyuki, Ian Moore, Sabine Müller, Takashi Murata, Marisa S Otegui, Emmanuel Panteris, Carolyn Rasmussen, Anne-Catherine Schmit, Jozef Šamaj, Lacey Samuels, L Andrew Staehelin, Daniel Van Damme, Geoffrey Wasteneys, Viktor Žárský (2017) Plant Cytokinesis: Terminology for Structures and Processes. Trends in Cell Biology 27 (12), 885-894
Eng, RC, Halat, LS, Livingston SJ, Sakai T, Motose, H, Wasteneys GO. (2017) The ARM Domain of ARMADILLO-REPEAT KINESIN 1 is Not Required for Microtubule Catastrophe But Can Negatively Regulate NIMA-RELATED KINASE 6 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcx070
Jaipargas, EA, Mathur N, Bou SDaher F, Wasteneys GO, Mathur J. (2016) High light intensity leads to increased peroxule-mitochondria interactions in plants. Front Cell Dev Biol 4:6
Johnson KC, Yu Y, Gao L, Eng RC, Wasteneys GO, Chen X, Li X. (2016) A partial loss-of-function mutation in an Arabidopsis RNA polymerase III subunit leads to pleiotropic defects. J. Exp Bot 67 (8): 2219-30
Abu-Abied M, Mordehaev, I, Sunil Kumar GBG, Ophir R, Wasteneys GO, Sadot E. (2015) Analysis of Microtubule-Associated-Proteins during IBA-Mediated Adventitious Root Induction Reveals KATANIN Dependent and Independent Alterations of Expression Patterns. PLOS ONE
Abu-Abied M, Rogovoy O, Mordehaev, I, Grumberg M, Elbaum R, Wasteneys GO, Sadot E. (2015) Dissecting the contribution of microtubule behaviour in adventitious root induction. J Exp. Bot. 66: 2813-2824.
Celler, K, Fujita M, Kawamura E, Ambrose C, Herburger K, Holzinger A, Wasteneys GO. (2015) Microtubules in Plant Cells: Strategies and Methods for Immunofluorescence, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Live Cell Imaging. In: Cytoskeleton Methods and Protocols. 3rd Edition. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 1365. Springer Press, New York. 2016 Ray H. Gavin (ed.)
Ruan Y., Wasteneys GO. (2014) CLASP: a microtubule-based integrator of the hormone-mediated transitions from cell division to elongation. Curr Opi Plant Biol. 22 S1: 149-158.
Eng RC., Wasteneys GO. (2014) The microtubule plus-end tracking protein ARMADILLO-REPEAT KINESIN1 promotes microtubule catastrophe in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 26 (8): 3372-3386. (Cover and Featured Article)
Ambrose C., Wasteneys GO. (2014) Microtubule initiation from the nuclear surface controls cortical microtubule growth polarity and orientation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol. Jul 8 [Epub ahead of print] (Featured Article)
Jancowski S., Catching A., Pighin, J., Kudo T., Foissner I., Wasteneys GO. (2014) Trafficking of the myrosinase-associated protein GLL23 requires NUC/MVP1/GOLD36/ERMO3 and the p24 protein CYB. Plant J. 77 (4): 497-510. (Cover)
Fujita M, Wasteneys GO. (2014) A survey of cellulose microfibril patterns in dividing, expanding, and differentiating cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Protoplasma. 251(3): 687-698.
Ambrose, C*., DeBono, A*., and Wasteneys, G. (2013) Cell Geometry Guides the Dynamic Targeting of Apoplastic GPI-Linked Lipid Transfer Protein to Cell Wall Elements and Cell Borders in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE 8: e81215. *Authors contributed equally.
Wasteneys GO, Brandizzi F. (2013) A glorious half-century of microtubules. Plant J. 2013 Jul;75(2):185-8.
Brandizzi F, Wasteneys GO. (2013) Cytoskeleton-dependent endomembrane organization in plant cells: an emerging role for microtubules. Plant J. Jul;75(2):339-49.
Fujita M, Himmelspach R, Ward J, Whittington A, Hasenbein N, Liu C, Truong TT, Galway ME, Mansfield SD, Hocart CH, Wasteneys GO. (2013) The anisotropy1 D604N mutation in the Arabidopsis cellulose synthase1 catalytic domain reduces cell wall crystallinity and the velocity of cellulose synthase complexes. Plant Physiol. 2013 May;162(1):74-85.
Ambrose C, Ruan Y, Gardiner J, Tamblyn LM, Catching A, Kirik V, Marc J, Overall R, Wasteneys GO. (2013) CLASP interacts with sorting nexin 1 to link microtubules and auxin transport via PIN2 recycling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Dev Cell. 2013 Mar 25;24(6):649-59.
Geraldes A, Difazio SP, Slavov GT, Ranjan P, Muchero W, Hannemann J, Gunter LE, Wymore AM, Grassa CJ, Farzaneh N, Porth I, McKown AD, Skyba O, Li E, Fujita M, KlápštÄ› J, Martin J, Schackwitz W, Pennacchio C, Rokhsar D, Friedmann MC, Wasteneys GO, Guy RD, El-Kassaby YA, Mansfield SD, Cronk QC, Ehlting J, Douglas CJ, Tuskan GA. (2013) A 34K SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa: design, application to the study of natural populations and transferability to other Populus species. Mol Ecol Resour. 2013 Mar;13(2):306-23.
Lechner B, Rashbrooke MC, Collings DA, Eng RC, Kawamura E, Whittington AT, Wasteneys GO. (2013) The N-terminal TOG domain of Arabidopsis MOR1 modulates affinity for microtubule polymers. J Cell Sci. 125(Pt 20):4812-21.
Moore, E.D., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2012) Nanospace biophysics. Editorial. Protoplasma. 249 Suppl 1:S1.
Fujita, M., B. Lechner, D.A. Barton, R.L. Overall, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2012) The missing link: do cortical microtubules define plasma membrane nanodomains that modulate cellulose biosynthesis? Protoplasma. 249 Suppl 1:S59-67.
Foissner, I., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2012) The characean internodal cell as a model system for studying wound healing. J Microsc-Oxford.247:10-22.
Ambrose, C., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2012) Nanoscale and geometric influences on the microtubule cytoskeleton in plants: thinking inside and outside the box. Protoplasma. 249 Suppl 1:S69-76.
Galway, M.E., R.C. Eng, J.W. Schiefelbein, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2011) Root hair-specific disruption of cellulose and xyloglucan in AtCSLD3 mutants, and factors affecting the post-rupture resumption of mutant root hair growth. Planta. 233:985-999.
Fujita, M., R. Himmelspach, C.H. Hocart, R.E. Williamson, S.D. Mansfield, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2011) Cortical microtubules optimize cell-wall crystallinity to drive unidirectional growth in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 66:915-928.
Ambrose, C., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2011) Cell Edges Accumulate Gamma Tubulin Complex Components and Nucleate Microtubules following Cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plos One. 6.
Ambrose, C., J.F. Allard, E.N. Cytrynbaum, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2011) A CLASP-modulated cell edge barrier mechanism drives cell-wide cortical microtubule organization in Arabidopsis. Nature Communincations. 2.
Allard, J.F., G.O. Wasteneys, and E.N. Cytrynbaum. (2010) Mechanisms of Self-Organization of Cortical Microtubules in Plants Revealed by Computational Simulations. Mol Biol Cell. 21:278-286.
Allard, J.F., J.C. Ambrose, G.O. Wasteneys, and E.N. Cytrynbaum. (2010) A Mechanochemical Model Explains Interactions between Cortical Microtubules in Plants. Biophys J. 99:1082-1090.
Wasteneys, G.O., and J.C. Ambrose. (2009) Spatial organization of plant cortical microtubules: close encounters of the 2D kind. Trends Cell Biol. 19:62-71.
Walia, A., J.S. Lee, G. Wasteneys, and B. Ellis. (2009) Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinase MPK18 mediates cortical microtubule functions in plant cells. Plant J. 59:565-575.
Holzinger, A., E. Kawamura, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2009) Strategies for imaging microtubules in plant cells. Methods Mol Biol. 586:243-262.
Foissner, I., D. Menzel, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2009) Microtubule-Dependent Motility and Orientation of the Cortical Endoplasmic Reticulum in Elongating Characean Internodal Cells. Cell Motil Cytoskel. 66:142-155.
Sakai, T., H. van der Honing, M. Nishioka, Y. Uehara, M. Takahashi, N. Fujisawa, K. Saji, M. Seki, K. Shinozaki, M.A. Jones, N. Smirnoff, K. Okada, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2008) Armadillo repeat-containing kinesins and a NIMA-related kinase are required for epidermal-cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 53:157-171.
McFarlane, H.E., R.E. Young, G.O. Wasteneys, and A.L. Samuels. (2008) Cortical microtubules mark the mucilage secretion domain of the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis seed coat cells. Planta. 227:1363-1375.
Kawamura, E., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2008) MOR1, the Arabidopsis thaliana homologue of Xenopus MAP215, promotes rapid growth and shrinkage, and suppresses the pausing of microtubules in vivo. J Cell Sci. 121:4114-4123.
Ambrose, J.C., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2008) CLASP Modulates Microtubule-Cortex Interaction during Self-Organization of Acentrosomal Microtubules. Mol Biol Cell. 19:4730-4737.
Talbot, M.J., G.O. Wasteneys, C.E. Offler, and D.W. McCurdy. (2007) Cellulose synthesis is required for deposition of reticulate wall ingrowths in transfer cells. Plant Cell Physiol. 48:147-158.
Talbot, M.J., G. Wasteneys, D.W. McCurdy, and C.E. Offler. (2007) Deposition patterns of cellulose microfibrils in flange wall ingrowths of transfer cells indicate clear parallels with those of secondary wall thickenings. Funct Plant Biol. 34:307-313.
Holzinger, A., G.O. Wasteneys, and C. Lutz. (2007) Investigating cytoskeletal function in chloroplast protrusion formation in the arctic-alpine plant Oxyria digyna. Plant Biology. 9:400-410.
Foissner, I., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2007) Wide-ranging effects of eight cytochalasins and latrunculin A and B on intracellular motility and actin filament reorganization in characean internodal cells. Plant Cell Physiol. 48:585-597.
Ambrose, J.C., T. Shoji, A.M. Kotzer, J.A. Pighin, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2007) The Arabidopsis CLASP gene encodes a microtubule-associated protein involved in cell expansion and division. Plant Cell. 19:2763-2775.
Wasteneys, G.O., and M. Fujita. (2006) Establishing and maintaining axial growth: wall mechanical properties and the cytoskeleton. J Plant Res. 119:5-10.
Kotzer, A.M., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2006) Mechanisms behind the puzzle: microtubule-microfilament cross-talk in pavement cell formation. Can J Bot. 84:594-603.
Kawamura, E., R. Himmelspach, M.C. Rashbrooke, A.T. Whittington, K.R. Gale, D.A. Collings, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2006) MICROTUBULE ORGANIZATION 1 regulates structure and function of microtubule arrays during mitosis and cytokinesis in the Arabidopsis root. Plant Physiol. 140:102-114.
Collings, D.A., A.W. Lill, R. Himmelspach, and G.O. Wasteneys. (2006) Hypersensitivity to cytoskeletal antagonists demonstrates microtubule-microfilament cross-talk in the control of root elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol. 170:275-290.
Roudier, F., A.G. Fernandez, M. Fujita, R. Himmelspach, G.H.H. Borner, G. Schindelman, S. Song, T.I. Baskin, P. Dupree, G.O. Wasteneys, and P.N. Benfey. (2005) COBRA, an Arabidopsis extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein, specifically controls highly anisotropic expansion through its involvement in cellulose microfibril orientation. Plant Cell. 17:1749-1763.
Kawamura, E., R. Himmelspach, D. Collings, and G. Wasteneys. (2005) The mor1-1 mutation affects spindle and phragmoplast organization in vegetative cells. Plant Cell Physiol. 46:S201-S201.
Fu, Y., Y. Gu, Z.L. Zheng, G. Wasteneys, and Z.B. Yang. (2005) Arabidopsis interdigitating cell growth requires two antagonistic pathways with opposing action on cell morphogenesis. Cell. 120:687-700.
Collings, D.A., and G.O. Wasteneys. (2005) Actin microfilament and microtubule distribution patterns in the expanding root of Arabidopsis thaliana. Can J Bot. 83:579-590.
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